Which are the best health insurance companies available today? If you have an employer that offers a group policy, then the best company is likely to be the one your employer chose because that policy is going to be your cheapest option.
However, if you can't get employee health insurance you can still find low cost insurance with a private plan.
The Choice is All Yours
The advantage of a private health insurance plan for your family is that you do have the option to choose your own insurance company and your own type of plan.
For the cheapest plans, you should consider HMO and PPO plans. With these types of plans, you must choose your health care provider from an approved list. However, in exchange, you can save thousands of dollars on insurance premiums every year.
Individual or Family?
When you're buying your own plan, you also have the option of choosing separate individual plans for each family member or one plan that covers everyone.
If everyone in the family is in good health, one plan is probably your best option. But if someone in the family has a chronic illness, a separate plan with a company that specializes in that illness may be your best choice.
Look Online for More Choices
Shopping online for your family health insurance gives you wide access to numerous health insurance companies. You can use an insurance comparison website to compare the quotes offered by a variety of companies to get the best plan at the best price (see link below).
You can also use websites from your state's Department of Insurance and from rating companies such as A.M. Best (ambest.com) to check an insurance company's customer service record and financial stability.
Best Companies, Best Rates
Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com/health-insurance.html or click on the following link to get family health insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.
The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written numerous articles on finding the best family health insurance companies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Stevens |
Keeping Your Health Insurance Premiums Low
by: Wiley Long
Health Savings Accounts offer tax deductions for medical expenses, and the opportunity to set up an additional retirement account. But regardless of any other positive benefit of HSAs, lower premiums are the primary reason that thousands of Americans have chosen Health Savings Accounts as the best way to protect their family's health and assets. Here are some key suggestions on how to keep your health insurance premiums low. 1. Choose an HSA-qualified plan for lower rate increases. Average group health insurance premiums rose by 9.6% last year and rose over 10% for each of the previous six years. Individual plans went up even more. Yet it is expected most HSA plans will experience much lower rate increases. A very large study was recently published showing that rate increases over the past year for consumer-driven plans such as HSA plans was only 3.4%. Blue Cross of Minnesota has reported that its HSA customers spent 8% less than their traditional insurance clients. Humana has reported claims' costs of 4.9% for consumer-driven plans, versus a 19.2% increase in claims for other plans. In fact, average HSA premiums for individuals have actually dropped 19.5% over the last two years. The reason these plans have lower rate increases is that people who have HSA-qualifying high-deductible health plans are likely to pay closer attention to costs, and take better care of their health. For instance, an HSA owner offered a statin drug to lower her cholesterol may be more likely to request a generic version, or ask her doctor if inexpensive nutritional supplements such as niacin or fish oil may be a solution. These actions save the insurance company money and should result in lower rate increases. 2. Raise your deductible as your HSA account grows. When you fund your account you build up a financial "cushion" which allows you to raise your deductible as your account grows. Every time you raise your deductible, your premium should go down. By the way, don't forget that every time you fund your account you get an instant tax-deduction. When you offset the tax savings against your premiums, you'll find your net cost for an HSA plan can be very low. The maximum allowable contribution goes up every year with the rise of the Consumer Price Index. Currently, the individual contribution limit is $2,700, and the family limit is $5,450. So each year you can deposit greater amounts into your HSA and continue to raise your deductible, if you choose. 3. Stay healthy, so you can switch plans. All health insurance plans have rate increases, and we’ve even seen premiums jump on some HSA plans. If a rate increase happens to you, you can switch to a different insurance company – but only if you pass their underwriting requirements. If chronic disease develops, you may be stuck with your current plan, and its accompanying rate increases, for eternity. Or at least it may seem that long… If you pay attention to the pharmaceutical commercials, you learn lifestyle really has nothing to do with disease, and it is natural and healthy to be on many medications for the rest of your life, which will then solve your health problems. If you pay attention to the science, you know the truth is quite different. It appears lifestyle is probably 95% of the picture, and we know the occurrence of degenerative disease can be dramatically reduced and even prevented. Fortunately, most HSA owners are interested in health, wellness, and disease prevention. After all, they’re paying for their own doctor visits if they do get sick. HSA owners are also "forward thinking" people, and like to plan for their future – both financial and physical. You can improve your odds of excellent health with just a few key habits:
- Eat very high quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits. Shoot for 35% of your calories. This will lower your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and much more.
- Limit your intake of sugar and starchy carbohydrates like bread and pasta. The majority of health problems in the U.S. are related to metabolic diseases that involve insulin resistance.
- Exercise and lift weights. Exercise guru Jack La Lanne turns 93 on September 26, and he says if you have muscles you never feel old.
4. Compare your plan to other available plans at least once a year, or whenever you get a rate increase. Often-times people keep their plan much longer than they should, and end up paying too much. If your rates go up, you should compare a wide variety of plans to determine if you are in the right plan for your needs and budget. By using these four strategies, the typical family can save thousands of dollars in health insurance premiums and still protect themselves against unexpected major medical expenses.
By Wiley Long - President, HSA for America (http://www.health--savings--accounts.com) - The nation's leading independent health insurance firm specializing in individual and family coverage that works with a Health Savings Account. Please link to this site when using this article.
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